A mandatory reporter, also known as a “Responsible Employee,” is an employee who is required to report incidents of alleged prohibited conduct under Title IX to the university.
Responsible Employees include:
Employees on this list, or if a student or co-worker would have reason to think that you have the power to address a situation, have a duty to report incidents of sexual misconduct.
Mandatory reporters have daily interactions and build trusting relationships with students and employees. Reporting an incident to Title IX ensures those in our community affected by sexual misconduct receive the support they need and that the university responds appropriately to alleged prohibited conduct under TItle IX. Someone may disclose to you for many reasons, including:
Mandatory Reporters should report as soon as they become aware of a Title IX-related incident or alleged prohibited conduct under Title IX. If you are unsure if an incident is reportable or if you don’t have all the information to make that decision, please call the Title IX Office for help. Incidents may be disclosed in many different ways, including within a class assignment, or share during a discussion. Inappropriate behavior may also be observed, or heard through another person.
Words or actions to look out for include:
Talk about mandatory reporting requirements with mandatory and responsible employees early and often.
If the person decides not to share anything further with you, that is okay. Provide confidential and private resources in case they are interested in talking with someone without the concern of reporting.
Report any relevant information that is shared. This includes name of the Complainant, Respondent, others involved, and any incident details shared. There is no need to ask for more information than what someone is comfortable sharing. For more information on how to report, please visit the Reporting page . It is likely that no other information will be shared with you after filing a Title IX report. This is to protect the privacy of Complainants and Respondents. If the person is in need of other support, provide a referral to the Get Help resources page.