By law, the Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection is authorized to perform the following duties:
Based upon consumer complaints or investigations, the Bureau is authorized to take formal legal action against persons and organizations who engage in unfair and deceptive conduct in the advertisement or sale of goods or services within the Commonwealth. However, in response to numerous consumer complaints received each year, the Bureau has also developed a statewide mediation program which seeks restitution, refund or other relief for consumers and affected businesses in a fair and impartial manner.
Upon receipt of a consumer complaint, the Bureau will generally attempt mediation by sending a copy of the complaint to the business involved in an attempt to reach a resolution of the dispute. The Bureau does not act as a judge in these disputes or order any payment or action. In the majority of cases received by the Bureau, Consumer Protection Agents serve as mediators who work to resolve disputes using the mail, telephone and/or personal contacts.
In general, the Bureau is only authorized to file formal legal action where it has reason to believe that a business is engaged in illegal practices and it is in the public interest to do so. “The public interest” may include a pattern or practice of fraud, an important question of law, a significant number of consumer victims, a significant amount of money at risk or a variety of other things.
In addition, the Bureau responds to Consumer Protection Hotline inquiries by telephone and in writing. Further, in keeping with its mandate to educate consumers, the Bureau makes available agents and attorneys to conduct public demonstrations and programs and provides a variety of consumer education brochures and materials to schools, consumer groups and other interested organizations. The Bureau of Consumer Protection has regional offices located in Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Scranton, Erie, Pittsburgh and State College.
Bureau of Consumer Protection Resources
Contact the Bureau of Consumer Protection
15th Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120
800-441-2555 (Toll-Free Helpline)