This guide provides information on the Indigenous Services Canada Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program for eligible First Nations and Inuit and its policies relevant to dental providers and clients. It explains the extent and limitations of the NIHB program's dental benefit by describing the important elements of each associated policy. It also lists website addresses to provide dental providers and clients quick access to related forms and more detailed program information.
Refer to the Dental Claims Submission Kit available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website for the process to submit claims for payment of services rendered to eligible clients.
The NIHB program provides eligible First Nations and Inuit with coverage for a range of medically necessary health benefits when these benefits are not otherwise covered by:
The benefits provided under the NIHB program include:
The NIHB program's dental benefit covers the following services:
The individual services are listed in the NIHB Regional Dental Benefit Grids available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website and are based on:
Terms and conditions for coverage are detailed in section 3.0 Terms and conditions
The Dental Benefits Guide summarizes the terms and conditions, criteria, guidelines and policies under which the NIHB program covers dental services for eligible First Nations and Inuit clients.
As policies and procedures evolve, the guide is updated accordingly and dental providers are advised of these changes through the program's newsletters and bulletins available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website and other communication tools.
Dental providers are advised to read and retain the most current version of the guide to ensure continued compliance with the terms and conditions of their NIHB Billing Agreement. In the event of a contradiction between document versions, the provisions of the Indigenous Services Canada web-posted guide, along with the latest NIHB dental publications and Regional Dental Benefit Grids, will prevail.
To be eligible for payment of services rendered, dental providers must adhere to the terms and conditions of the NIHB program. These are detailed in the Dental Claims Submission Kit available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website, including the procedures for verifying client eligibility and submitting NIHB benefit claims.
Dental providers are to assist NIHB clients in completing and submitting claim forms for client reimbursements. Along with supporting documentation attached to claim forms, the mandatory data elements that must be completed on forms include:
Dental providers are encouraged to enroll with the NIHB program and to send their claims directly to Express Scripts Canada so that clients do not pay fees at the point of service. For some clients, balance billing and charging up front for services are barriers to accessing medically necessary dental services.
All claims must be received by the NIHB program within 1 year from the date of service to be eligible for payment or reimbursement. The service must be an eligible benefit under the NIHB program as of the date of service, and all policies and requirements for coverage apply.
This policy applies to payments to NIHB enrolled providers for services rendered, and reimbursements to clients who have paid fees directly to an NIHB-recognized provider for eligible services.
Claims older than 1 year from the date of service are not eligible for payment or client reimbursement and therefore will not be accepted for processing.
All requests for client reimbursement of eligible benefits must include:
If applicable, a detailed statement or Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from all other health plans and programs must be provided.
Note: Credit card/debit (Interac) slips, cash register receipts or statements of account are not accepted.
Clients are required to access private (employer-sponsored) health benefit plans for which they are eligible prior to accessing dental benefits under the NIHB program. The other payer will provide an Explanation of Benefit (EOB) form that must be sent to the NIHB program. The NIHB program will then coordinate payment with the other payer on eligible benefits. When an NIHB-eligible client is also covered by the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), claims should be submitted to NIHB first.
Where a client is no longer eligible for coverage from another payer, the provider or client can contact the NIHB Call Centre at Express Scripts Canada to update the client's profile.
Certain dental services require laboratory work. Laboratory fee submissions will be considered for coverage under the NIHB program only in conjunction with an approved procedure code. However, the NIHB program reserves the right to require a copy of the laboratory report and to adjust the laboratory fee requested by dental providers.
Indigenous Services Canada's NIHB program has the responsibility to protect personal information under its control in accordance with the Privacy Act and its related Treasury Board policy and directives, and is responsible for ensuring that the personal information collected is limited to that which is necessary to administer the program.
For more information, please contact Indigenous Services Canada's Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Coordinator at 819-997-8277 or You also have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada if you think your personal information has been handled improperly.
Exceptions: These are dental procedures that are outside the NIHB program scope of benefits or procedures that require special consideration. Requests must be supported with a rationale and predetermination is mandatory.
Exclusions: These are dental procedures that are outside the mandate of the NIHB program and will not be considered for coverage nor considered for appeal, for example, temporomandibular joint therapy and appliances, fixed prosthodontics (bridges and all bridge related procedures), implants and all implant related procedures, veneers, cosmetic services and appliances to treat bruxism. Further details are provided in Appendix F.
Frequency limitation: Limitations put against procedure codes so maximums are not exceeded, as specified in the current NIHB Regional Dental Benefit Grids and in the present Dental Benefits Guide.
Predetermination (PD): Predetermination is a method for the administration and adjudication of dental benefits. Predetermination is seeking review prior to proceeding with treatment and enables both the dental provider and client to understand the benefit coverage commitments.
Post-determination: Post-determination is a method for the administration and adjudication of dental benefits for service which has been rendered. This is a submission that will be considered for coverage under specific circumstances under the NIHB program and must be supported with a rationale.
Appeal process: This is a client (parent/guardian)-initiated process seeking reconsideration of a denied request under the NIHB program. Note that exclusions are not considered for appeal.
NIHB dental provider: A licensed dental professional who is in good standing with the regulatory body in the province or territory in which they practice and who is enrolled with the NIHB program.
Current radiograph: Radiographs that are dated within 1 year (in other words, within the last 12 months) of the submission.
The NIHB program requires the following standard documentation and information for the review of any predetermination and post-determination request:
Note: It is mandatory for dental providers to maintain a client chart/record documenting and supporting the services provided, claimed, and paid for by the NIHB program. A procedure code and/or name of services rendered are not sufficient in a client chart/record to adequately support the validation of a payment. This statement applies to all claim requests under the NIHB program.
Clients under 17 years of age are eligible for up to 4 examinations and those 17 and older are eligible for up to 3 examinations in any 12 month period provided these examinations are within their frequency limitations and carried out by legally licensed dental professionals.
These examinations can include:
Frequency limitations take into account overall interactions between various examination services rendered by the same provider, different providers within the same office or different offices, as well as the eligibility period for each service.
Examinations performed by dental specialists, independent dental hygienists and denturists do not count against the maximum number of eligible annual examinations.
Dental procedure | Frequency guidelines |
Complete oral examination and diagnosis | 1 in any 60 months |
All radiographs submitted with a treatment plan must be current, mounted, dated with the date of service, and of good diagnostic quality. Both dental provider and client names must be indicated on the mount. Whenever duplicate radiographs are submitted, the dental provider must indicate on the radiograph whether the radiograph is on the right or left side of the client's mouth.
When submitting enlarged digital radiographs, of any type, dental providers are requested to print a measurement scale on the radiograph to facilitate the assessment.
Radiographs are considered "current" for predetermination purposes if dated within 1 year of the predetermination submission.
Dental procedure | Frequency guidelines |
Intraoral periapical radiographs (11-15 films), complete series | 1 in any 60 months |
Any combination of intraoral radiographs (periapicals, bitewings and occlusal) exceeding 10 films, are not to be covered in conjunction with a panoramic radiograph for the time period of 60 months, and vice versa.
Focal plane tomograms and cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) services are eligible for coverage under the NIHB program.
These services require predetermination and must be supported by chart notes or reports.
The NIHB program will consider coverage for focal plane tomograms and CBCT services under the following circumstances:
Note: The NIHB program will not consider coverage for focal plane tomograms and CBCT services for caries detection or orthodontic evaluations.
When submitting requests for coverage of laboratory tests/analysis, a copy of the laboratory report is required.
For preventive services including polishing, scaling, topical fluoride treatments, pit and fissure sealants/preventive restorative resin services, please refer to the Preventive and Periodontal Policy in section 8.5 Periodontal services.
Dental procedure | Frequency guidelines |
Interproximal disking of teeth (requires predetermination) | 1 unit in any 12 months |
Oral appliances for sleep apnea are not eligible services under the NIHB program. However, they will be considered for coverage on an exception basis for mild and moderate sleep apnea cases, under the following conditions:
Note: Oral appliances to treat snoring will not be considered for coverage.
For information regarding CPAP therapy or other NIHB Medical Supplies and Equipment benefits, clients are encouraged to contact their physician or nurse practitioner.
Repeat restorations/extensions for the same tooth performed by the same provider or different provider in the same office, excluding a core or crown, within a 2 year time frame are subject to audit and require a written rationale documented in the client's chart on the date of service delivery.
Restorations for incisal wear involving enamel and dentin are considered cosmetic/aesthetic services (exclusions) under the NIHB program and therefore will not be considered for payment.
Requirements for restoration of primary incisor teeth 51, 52, 61, 62, 71, 72, 81, 82:
Requirements for restoration of primary teeth 53, 54, 55, 63, 64, 65, 73, 74, 75, 83, 84, 85:
Requirements for restoration of permanent anterior and posterior teeth:
If requested for the same date of service and for the same tooth, caries, trauma and pain control procedures will not be considered for coverage in conjunction with any of the following procedures:
Cores are eligible only if the existing restoration is greater than 12 months old and will be considered for coverage only in conjunction with an approved predetermination crown request.
Bonded amalgam cores are covered at a rate of a non-bonded equivalent.
A prefabricated post/pin is eligible only when inadequate coronal tooth structure is remaining to retain a restoration. Tooth is eligible once in any 12-month period by the same provider, or different provider in the same office.
Prefabricated posts in combination with core, including pin(s) where applicable, will be considered for coverage only in conjunction with an approved predetermination crown request. When a prefabricated post, pin(s), and core procedure codes are requested individually for the same tooth for a crown, the program will adjust the fee at the rate of the combination procedure code.
Cores, and prefabricated posts in combination with cores, are eligible only for clients 18 years of age and older.
Dental procedure | Frequency guidelines |
Cores (standalone procedure) and prefabricated posts in combination with cores (require predetermination) | 4 in any 10 years per client (permanent teeth only) |
Post removal | 1 in a lifetime, per permanent tooth |
Crown Policy
The NIHB program will consider coverage of a single unit crown on:
The NIHB program will consider coverage of a single unit crown on endodontically and non-endodontically treated teeth when all of the following criteria are met:
Note: For detailed specifications, please refer to section 7.0 Submission requirements.
For non-inserted crowns, the NIHB program will consider paying up to 20% of the current NIHB professional fee and up to 100% of a reasonable laboratory fee associated with the fabrication of a crown, if applicable, under the following conditions:
Note: A non-inserted crown that has been claimed without complying with the above noted conditions and has been paid in full by the NIHB program will result in a payment recovery.
Dental procedure | Frequency guidelines |
Crowns (require predetermination) | 4 in any 10 years per client |
Endodontic Policy
The NIHB program will consider coverage of a root canal treatment on:
The NIHB program will consider coverage of a root canal treatment when all of the following criteria are met:
Note: For detailed specifications, please refer to section 7.0 Submission requirements.
Dental procedure | Frequency guidelines |
Root canal re-treatment, apicoectomy, retrofilling | 1 root canal re-treatment, 1 apicoectomy and 1 retrofilling per tooth, per lifetime |
Preventive and Periodontal Policy
The general principles on the preventive and periodontal policy are as follows:
The NIHB program requires the following documentation for the review of a preventive/periodontal service predetermination request:
Dental procedure | Frequency guidelines |
Management of oral disease | 2 units in any 12 month period |
The general principles of the Removable Prosthodontic Policy are as follows:
The general principles of removable partial dentures are as follows:
Note: For detailed specifications, please refer to section 7.0 Submission requirements.
The NIHB program will consider coverage for a partial denture for teeth numbered 16 to 26 and 36 to 46 inclusive, under the following conditions:
The general principles of complete dentures are as follows:
Note: For detailed specifications, please refer to section 7.0 Submission requirements.
The NIHB program will consider coverage for a complete denture:
For non-inserted standard partial and complete dentures, the NIHB program will consider paying up to 50% of the current NIHB professional fee and up to 100% of a reasonable laboratory fee associated with the fabrication of a denture, if applicable, under the following conditions:
For non-inserted immediate partial and complete dentures, the NIHB program will consider paying up to 50% of the current NIHB professional fee and up to 100% of a reasonable laboratory fee associated with the fabrication of a denture, if applicable, under the following conditions:
Dental procedure | Frequency guidelines |
Complete dentures | 1 per arch in any 96 months. |
Partial cast dentures (initial placement require predetermination) | 1 per arch in any 96 months |
Partial acrylic dentures (initial placement require predetermination) | 1 per arch in any 60 months |
Repairs/additions | 1 per prosthesis in any 12 months |
Reline/rebase | 1 per prosthesis in any 24 months |
Tissue conditioning | 1 per prosthesis in any 24 months |
Predetermination is not required for the majority of extraction procedure codes, including uncomplicated and surgical extractions.
Major surgical procedures (that is, tooth exposure, fracture reduction, etc.) require predetermination and must be supported by clinical findings, notes and radiographs.
Implants and all implant related procedures are exclusions under the NIHB program.
Orthodontic Policy
The NIHB program will consider coverage for orthodontic treatment when eligibility and clinical criteria are met.
Note: Client must maintain good oral hygiene over the course of the orthodontic treatment. NIHB must be advised in writing by the treating provider if treatment has been discontinued due to non-compliance or poor oral health.
The NIHB Program must receive the complete predetermination documents prior to the client's 18th birthday Footnote 1 for the request to be considered for review (not applicable to craniofacial anomaly cases).
Note: Written confirmation of client's oral health status from the general practitioner may be requested upon the review of the case.
Clients aged 0 to 11 years
Clients aged 12 years and older
Clients aged 0 to 11 years
Clients aged 12 years and older
Clients aged 0 to 11 years
Clients aged 12 years and older
Note: For detailed specifications, please refer to section 7.0 Submission requirements in the NIHB Dental Benefits Guide.
The NIHB Regional Dental Benefit Grids list what services are eligible by placing benefits into 2 schedules:
NIHB Regional Dental Benefit Grids are located on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.
Predetermination requests can be submitted by mail or online:
Predetermination requests submitted by email will not be accepted to ensure client confidentiality.
Dental services
Non-Insured Health Benefits
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
Indigenous Services Canada
200 Eglantine Driveway
Address Locator 1902D
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
Toll-Free Telephone: 1-855-618-6291
Toll-Free Fax: 1-855-618-6290
Orthodontic services
Non-Insured Health Benefits
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
Indigenous Services Canada
200 Eglantine Driveway
Address Locator 1902C
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
Toll-Free Telephone: 1-866-227-0943
Toll-Free Fax: 1-866-227-0957
The provider must verify that the individual is eligible for benefits under Indigenous Services Canada's NIHB program and identify any other benefit coverage available to the client, if applicable.
To be eligible, a client must be a resident of Canada, and one of the following:
Refer to the Who is eligible for the NIHB program webpage or contact the NIHB regional office for information.
More detailed information about Client Identification and Eligibility is also provided in section 4 of the Dental Claims Submission Kit available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.
Clients eligible for the NIHB program have the right to appeal the denial of a benefit with the exception of items that are identified as exclusions.
There are 3 levels of appeal available to NIHB clients. At each level, the appeal must be initiated by the client, the parent/legal guardian or a client representative, and authorization must be submitted in writing (dated and signed letter, including the date of birth and identification (ID) number). At each level, the appeal must also be accompanied by supporting documentation, including new information from the dental or orthodontic service provider and an appeal letter.
Each level of appeal is reviewed by a different dental professional.
Following the review of each level of appeal, the client, parent/legal guardian or client representative will be provided with a written explanation of the decision within thirty (30) business days after receiving completed appeal documentation, 80% of the time, under normal circumstances. For more details, please consult the section of the NIHB website entitled After you submit your appeal.
For the complete list of submission requirements, please refer to section 7.0 Submission requirements
In order for a client to be eligible to appeal a decision for orthodontic services, a predetermination submission must have been received by NIHB Dental Predetermination Centre (Orthodontic services) prior to the client's 18th birthday (not applicable in craniofacial anomaly cases).
All 3 levels of appeal must be accompanied with the supporting documentation provided by the dental or orthodontic service provider and be completed prior to the client's 19th birthday (not applicable in craniofacial anomaly cases).
The review at all 3 levels of appeal is based on the most current orthodontic records obtained prior to the commencement of orthodontic treatment.
If a client chooses to start orthodontic treatment after the request for coverage was denied by the NIHB program, the client may still access the appeal process, as long as the treatment was predetermined before the age of 18 and all 3 levels of appeal are completed before the age of 19 (not applicable in craniofacial anomaly cases). In such situations, all 3 levels of appeal must be initiated and submitted with all the supporting documentation and complete information required for predetermination within the 1 year period from date of service or the date of insertion of orthodontic appliance/braces. For the complete list of submission requirements, please refer to section 8.8.3 Orthodontic submissions review process and documentation requirements.
Clients can submit appeal requests by mail or online:
Appeal requests submitted by email will not be accepted to ensure client confidentiality.
The letter of appeal and supporting documents are to be addressed to a different program official at each appeal level.
To begin the appeal process, the client must address all documents to the Director, Dental Policy Development Division.
The client may choose to have the appeal reviewed at the level 2 stage if:
The submission should include:
The client must address all documents to the Director, Benefit Management and Review Services Division.
The client may choose to have the appeal reviewed at the final level 3 stage if:
The submission should include:
The client must address all documents to the Director General, NIHB program.
As part of the NIHB program's risk management activities, Indigenous Services Canada has mandated its claims processor to maintain a set of pre-payment and post-payment processes, including claim verification activities.
This function incorporates the review of claims against records to confirm compliance with the terms and conditions of the NIHB program. If under any circumstances it is found that a provider has inappropriately billed the program, claim payments will be recovered, either by direct payment from the provider or withheld from future provider claim statements.
Detailed information about the Provider Claim Verification Program and procedures is included in section 6 of the Dental Claims Submission Kit available on the Express Scripts Canada NIHB provider and client website.
These are dental procedures that are outside the mandate of the NIHB program and will not be considered for coverage nor considered for appeal. These services include, without being limited to:
As per the July 2018 Orthodontic Policy update, clients who did not receive approval for orthodontic coverage between March 24, 2016 and July 31, 2018 can resubmit their original request for consideration under the updated criteria and process outlined in this section. Clients must submit a signed letter, requesting a reconsideration of the case, as well as pre-treatment orthodontic diagnostic records obtained through their orthodontist. As per the updated criteria outlined in section 8.8.2 Eligibility criteria, pain or discomfort associated with a severe and functionally handicapping malocclusion will be considered for coverage.
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