Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I find out more about bereavement leave?

You can find this information on the intranet by entering "Bereavement" in the empty search bar (top right corner) next to the default category "Intranet". The first link on the result list will lead you to Administrative Directive A101( where the topic of attendance is addressed. Scroll down to A101.10 for details on Bereavement Leave.


A full time, permanent employee is allowed up to three days of bereavement leave with pay for the death of his or her father, mother stepfather, stepmother, father-in-law, mother-in law, brother, sister, husband, wife, child, stepchild, grandfather, grandmother, or grandchild.
Bereavement leave need not be taken in one lump of three days. For example, if an employee takes two days of bereavement leave at the time of death, he or she may take a third day later on to attend to the business affairs of the deceased. Any additional time that may be needed beyond the three-day limit must be charged to vacation, personal leave, overtime, or holiday time, and prior management approval must be obtained.

Should two or more qualifying family members die at the same time, the employee receives three days leave for each such qualifying family member.

The Supervisors may require proof before any such leave is granted.

You can also find additional information on the intranet by entering "HR policies" in the empty search bar (top right corner) next to the default category "Intranet". The first link on the result list will lead you to the HR Policies and Procedures website ( where you will find the link for Los Angeles County Code. Click on "Title 6. Salaries" and then look for "6.20 Leave of Absence". You will then find more details on Bereavement Leave under "6.20.080 Other Leaves of Absence".

A. Bereavement Leave. Any person employed in a full-time permanent position who is compelled to be absent from duty because of death of his father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, husband, wife, child, stepchild, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, domestic partner or domestic partner' s father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, child, stepchild, or grandchild, shall be allowed the time necessary to be absent from work at his regular pay for not more than three working days, or in the case of employees employed on a 56-hour workweek in the probation department, not more than 36 working hours, and all other employees employed on a 56-hour workweek not more than 33 working hours; provided that, effective January 1, 1999, an employee, who is required to travel a minimum of 500 miles one-way in connection with such absence, shall be eligible to receive two additional working days of bereavement leave. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section A, any person employed on a monthly permanent 9/10 time position (Item Sub "D") shall receive 24 hours of bereavement leave.

Please contact Payroll and Benefits at 626-458-2177 if you have any other questions.