Use Word on a mobile device
Edit or create documents from just about anywhere using the Word mobile app on your mobile device.
Install Word on your mobile device
- Go to the download site for your device:
- To install Word on a Windows device, go to the Microsoft Store.
- To install Word on an Android device, go to the Play Store.
- To install Word on an iPhone or iPad, go to the App Store.
- Search for the Word mobile app.
- Tap Microsoft Word or Word mobile.
- Tap Install, Get or Download.
Open the Word mobile app for the first time
- On your device, tap the Word app.
- Sign in with the account you use with Microsoft 365.
Be productive on the go
- Create and save your documents on your device or in OneDrive.
- Edit and format text, even using Styles. Tap the ribbon to see all of your options.
- Word saves changes you make automatically so you don't have to worry about losing your work.
- Share files with your coworkers by sending a link or attachment.
- Open attached documents from your email and edit or comment on documents directly in the Word mobile app.