How To Write Letter of Complaint Restaurant [5 Free Samples]

letter of complaint restaurant


A professional complaint letter can be an effective tool to address issues encountered during a dining experience. When issues arise, it can be tempting to simply vent frustrations on social media or review sites. However, taking the time to craft a well-written complaint letter can have a more significant impact. Not only does it provide a more formal method of communication, but it also shows that the individual is willing to take the time to address the issue directly with the restaurant.

A good complaint letter can create a lasting impact on the restaurant’s reputation and operations. If written effectively, it can highlight areas where the restaurant can improve and provide insights into the customer experience. In addition, it can demonstrate that the individual has a genuine interest in the success of the establishment. A well-written complaint letter can lead to positive changes in the restaurant’s policies and procedures, and may even result in improved service for future customers.

In this article, we will explore the importance of a professional Letter of Complaint Restaurant in addressing issues encountered during a dining experience. Using a recent experience at a restaurant as an example, we will provide tips on how to craft an effective complaint letter that can create a lasting impact. Whether you’re a seasoned diner or a first-time complainer, this article will provide valuable insights on how to effectively communicate with restaurants and ensure that your concerns are addressed.

5 Steps To Write Appealing Letter of Complaint Restaurant?

Writing a letter of complaint restaurant can be a daunting task, but it can also be an effective way to address any concerns and improve the quality of service. In this guide, we will discuss five steps on how to write the best letter of complaint restaurant that creates an impact, with examples.

Writing a letter of complaint restaurant can be an effective way to address any issues and improve the quality of service. By following these five steps and providing specific examples, you can create an impactful letter that can lead to positive changes.

Example of Letter of Complaint Restaurant

Letter of Complaint Restaurant Format

SectionInformation to Include
Salutation / GreetingsDear Sir or Madam / Dear Manager
Introductory ParagraphIdentify what the issue is.
Body ParagraphsComplaint/ issue 1 and justification
Complaint/ issue 2 and justification
If Complaint/ issue 3 and justification
ClosingSuggested action to be taken
– sign off with “Yours faithfully”

Letter of Complaint Restaurant Example

Dear Manager, I am writing to express my disappointment with the service I received at your restaurant, [Restaurant Name], on [Date of Visit]. Firstly, the food was not up to the standards that I expected. The dish I ordered was overcooked and lacked the flavors that were described on the menu. When I brought this to the attention of our server, they didn't seem concerned and simply took the plate away without offering a replacement or any form of compensation. Furthermore, the service we received was unprofessional and lacking in attentiveness. Our server seemed disinterested in our experience and was not responsive to our requests for drinks or additional condiments. It was clear that they were more interested in chatting with their colleagues than providing quality service to their customers. I was also disappointed by the overall atmosphere of the restaurant. The noise level was too high and it was difficult to have a conversation with my dining companion. The lighting was too dim, making it difficult to read the menu or see the food properly. As a regular customer of your restaurant, I was expecting a much better experience. I hope that you will take my feedback into consideration and take steps to improve the quality of your food, service, and atmosphere. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding the measures you plan to take to address my concerns. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample Letter of Complaint Restaurant

Dear Manager, I am writing to express my disappointment with the service I received at your restaurant, [Restaurant Name], on [Date of Visit]. Firstly, I was disappointed with the quality of the food. The dish I ordered was overcooked and lacked flavor. Additionally, the portion size was smaller than what was advertised on the menu. This was particularly disappointing as I had high expectations based on the positive reviews I had read online. Furthermore, the service I received from the staff was subpar. My server seemed disinterested in providing quality service and was slow to take my order and bring me my food. It was clear that the staff were not properly trained to handle busy periods, as there was a long wait time for my food despite the restaurant not being particularly busy. Lastly, I was disappointed with the cleanliness of the restaurant. The floors and tables were dirty, and there were crumbs and food debris on the floor around my table. This detracted from the overall dining experience and made me question the hygiene standards of the restaurant. As a paying customer, I expect a certain level of quality and service when dining out. Unfortunately, my experience at your restaurant fell short of these expectations. I hope that you will take my feedback into consideration and take steps to improve the quality of your food and service, as well as the cleanliness of your establishment. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Letter of Complaint Restaurant Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Your Email] [Date] [Restaurant Name] [Restaurant Address] [City, State ZIP Code] Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my disappointment with the service and food quality I received during my recent visit to your restaurant on [Date of visit]. I had high expectations for the dining experience, but unfortunately, my experience fell far short of these expectations. Firstly, the service was extremely slow, and we had to wait for over 30 minutes before our orders were taken. Even after our orders were taken, it took a long time for the food to arrive at our table, and we noticed that other tables who arrived after us were served before us. Secondly, the food quality was not up to the mark. The appetizer was not fresh, and the main course was undercooked and had a strange taste. The portion size was also smaller than what we expected. Lastly, the hygiene standards at your restaurant were concerning. The table was not properly cleaned, and we noticed food debris on the floor. Additionally, the restroom was not properly maintained. I was very disappointed with my experience, and I do not believe that it is fair to pay for such poor quality food and service. I would like to request a refund for the cost of our meal. If possible, I would also appreciate a response explaining the steps you will take to improve the quality of your food and service. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Letter of Complaint Restaurant

Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to express my disappointment with the experience I had at your restaurant on [date]. Unfortunately, my visit did not meet my expectations and left me feeling quite dissatisfied. Firstly, I found the service to be quite slow and unresponsive. It took quite some time for our server to take our order and even longer for the food to arrive at our table. When it did finally arrive, our dishes were lukewarm and had clearly been sitting out for some time. Furthermore, our server was not particularly attentive and seemed more interested in chatting with his colleagues than attending to our needs. Secondly, I was quite disappointed with the quality of the food itself. While the menu sounded quite appealing, the actual dishes fell short of the mark. My steak was overcooked and tough, and the accompanying vegetables were soggy and lacked flavor. My dining companions also expressed disappointment with their meals, which were similarly underwhelming. Finally, I was disappointed with the overall atmosphere of the restaurant. The noise level was quite high, making it difficult to hold a conversation, and the lighting was too bright and harsh. Overall, I was quite disappointed with my experience at your restaurant and felt that the quality of the service, food, and atmosphere fell short of what I would expect from a restaurant of your reputation. I hope that you will take my feedback seriously and take steps to improve the quality of your establishment going forward. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, [Your Name]

10 Useful Phrases for Letter of Complaint Restaurant

Below are 10 useful phrases for writing a Letter of Complaint to a restaurant, followed by a closing paragraph:

Useful Phrases for Letter of Complaint to a Restaurant:

Closing paragraph:

I hope that you will take my feedback seriously and make the necessary improvements to ensure that your restaurant provides a better dining experience for your customers in the future. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Common Mistakes When Writing a Letter of Complaint Restaurant?

Sure, here are three common mistakes to avoid when writing a letter of complaint to a restaurant:

Sample Letter of Complaint Restaurant


when writing a letter of complaint to a restaurant, it is important to address the issue clearly and concisely, while remaining polite and professional. Be sure to include specific details about your experience, such as the date and time of your visit, as well as any names of employees involved. It is recommended to send the complaint letter as soon as possible after the incident and to address it to the appropriate person or department.

Common mistakes to avoid when writing a complaint letter include being too emotional or aggressive, using inappropriate language, or making unrealistic demands. Remember that the goal of the letter is to express your dissatisfaction and seek a resolution, not to attack or insult the restaurant.

To make the process easier, we have provided multiple free and ready-to-use templates that you can use to guide your letter writing. These templates include a general complaint letter, a complaint letter about food quality, and a complaint letter about customer service. You can personalize these templates by adding your own details and modifying the language to fit your specific situation.

Sending a letter of complaint to a restaurant may feel daunting, but it is an important step in advocating for yourself and ensuring that your dining experience is satisfactory. With the right approach and tools, you can effectively communicate your concerns and receive the resolution you deserve.